
One week may be somewhat optimistic

The most statistically accurate and thorough study of English functional illiteracy ever commissioned by the U.S. government was a five-year, $14 million study involving lengthy interviews of 26,049 U.S. adults. The interviewees were statistically balanced for age, gender, ethnicity, and location (urban, suburban, or rural in a dozen states and several prisons across the U.S.) to represent the entire U.S. population. This study, titled Adult Literacy in America, proves (1) that 48.7% of U.S. adults (over 93 million of them) are functionally illiterate (i.e. they read and write so poorly that they cannot hold an above-poverty-level-wage job), proves (2) that 15.2% of U.S. adults are in poverty (many of the 48.7% in low-paying jobs have another employed adult in the household and receive financial assistance from governments, family, friends, and charities), and proves (3) that they are more than twice as likely to be in poverty because of functional illiteracy as for all other reasons combined.but didn't understand. Dr. Al Riyami is a citizen of Oman who grew up in Egypt. Education was considered to be important in his family. While his parents' work required them to live in areas where educational choices were limited, the family decided that he would live instead with his grandparents who could provide access to much better schools.After finishing his secondary education, Dr. Al Riyami's parents retired to Oman and the family was reunited there. Pleased to be in Oman, he chose Sultan Qaboos University (S.Q.U.) there for his college work, desiring to learn skills that would be of help to his country. He didn't know what would follow his college studies but acted in the firm conviction that "only education would give me the opportunity to find my interests and enrich my soul." The college studies led him to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in agriculture from S.Q.U.Dr. Al Riyami had long yearned for a career in business management, but S.Q.U. at the time did not offer that curriculum so he had to find a different route into business.


Understand How Online Act Prep Courses Can Raise Your Scores

 You need to be prepared if you are a candidate in taking ACT or American College Testing. Preparation must be done while it is still early. The reason why one needs to prepare early is because ACT must be passed. One of the initial or major preparations to undergo is taking the ACT online prep. The online ACT prep provides a comprehensive material for the four exams.There are four subtests in ACT exams and these are Math, Reading, Science and English. Aside from these four subtests, an essay part is also added. But, taking the essay part is only optional and students may not take it. The purpose of the essay is just to see that if students know proper planning.There is no reason for one to fail ACT because the four subtests are basic subjects.but the grammar and syntax of English is easier than many European languages, all of whose speakers learn to read in less than three months.There are more than 1.3 billion English-speaking people around the world, more than speak any language dialect other than Mandarin Chinese. The vast majority of Mandarin Chinese speakers live in China. English is used more than any other language to speak to someone who does not understand the speaker's native dialect. It is estimated that 600 million of the English-speaking people worldwide (including over 93 million in the U.S. alone) are functionally illiterate.People who are honest in evaluating the serious physical, mental, emotional, medical, and financial problems of illiterates and the extent of English functional illiteracy of English-speaking people will have to admit that the many half-measures we have been using for the last eighty years are only fighting the symptoms of the problem, not solving the problem. If we personally had to endure the problems that functional illiterates must constantly live with, we would consider our problems a crisis.Literacy Research Associates, Inc. and NuEnglish, Inc., two non-profit educational corporations, have researched and perfected a system that Dr. Laubach (now deceased) would undoubtedly advocate to solve our literacy problems -- the only proven solution known to be available. It has been proven in over 300 alphabetic languages, but never tried in English.Do CELEBRITIES really want to help end poverty in the U.S. and other English-speaking nations?If the help that celebrities give to those in poverty does not enable them to permanently end their poverty by becoming literate and getting a better paying job, their help is only temporary. Although it may be true of some celebrities that they want people to remain in poverty so that they can continue to get publicity from helping them in this temporary manner, most celebrities truly want to help in a more permanent way but do not know how.

Do You Really Want To Help End Poverty In The U.s. And English-speaking Nations?

We often see articles in newspapers or magazines about the shocking extent of poverty in America or some other English-speaking nation. But how often do the articles examine the cause of the poverty? I cannot remember ever seeing such an article. Many persons of influence -- celebrities, educators, and politicians -- bemoan the extent of poverty. Many of them want to help. Some of them actually do help, but the help is almost always something involving providing money or physical items to temporarily relieve the symptoms -- the pain and suffering brought on by poverty. It is almost never something which will enable those in poverty to permanently escape their poverty. It is like the saying, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."Using this analogy, in order to teach a man to fish (i.e. escape poverty through his own actions), you have to understand what is causing him to be in poverty. Otherwise, any help you provide will merely fight the symptoms of the problem rather than solving the problem. It is like giving someone aspirin to relieve the pain of pneumonia rather than antibiotics to end the pneumonia.If you learn English or any other language you can boost your progress by learning in specific way. According to the research most English students struggle and fail because of psychology, not because of methods, not because of teachers.According to Tony Robbins, psychology is 80% of success. So the method you use to study, the school you go to, the teacher and books are only 20% of success in English learning. Those things are important but how you manage your time, your motivation and emotions are much more important. Therefore, psychology decides whether you succeed or not.We can observe in language classes that the enthusiastic students, the energetic students, the optimistic students always learn much faster. They succeed. The ones who fail, the ones who dropp out and quit, the ones who struggle have the opposite mentality. They have a very negative mentality. Their motivation is low. They tend to be pessimistic. They feel that they weren't good at English. They had ideas that English is very tough, very difficult. They don't have enthusiasm for English. They don't love English.That's why is so important to manage your emotions. In order to be successful you must develop a strong and enthusiastic attitude towards English. You must be strong and determined so you can reach your goals and succeed. This psychologic side of learning process is called Non-Linguistic factors by English teachers and researchers. One of the best experts in language learning Dr. Stephen Krashen from Los Angeles during his studies found that non-linguistic factors are equally or even more important than linguistic factors. According to the research factors like emotions, feeling about English and learner's peer group decide whether the student succeed or fail.


What factors are responsible for success in language learning?

 With experience comes the ability to avoid mistakes you've made and seen others make, whether in learning new things or in applying them. My observation has been that useful experience seems to grow faster than learning ability declines, except for those with various forms of dementia. The favorable combination of experience growing faster than learning capability ebbs means that businesspeople who layer new skills and knowledge onto their unconscious competences become ever more effective.Increased effectiveness, in turn, brings new assignments, opportunities, and challenges. Those new circumstances can be invigorating . . . and make you feel even more enthusiastic. To understand these points better, let's look at an example of someone who brings an unquenchable thirst for self-improvement to his business career, Dr. Salim Al Riyami, a Doctor of Business Administration degree holder from Rushmore University. How you can manage your emotions and learn language faster? Here's a little ritual, a little plan you can follow every day to start feeling better and therefore improve your motivation and to learn English or any language faster. And it's very simple. The first thing you're going to do is when you get up in the morning, you want to get into a peak emotional state.It means you want to feel great.You probably think, how to do this? It is really easy. The best way is to use some energetic music and move and dance for about 5 minutes. After this you will be full of energy. In this state you will feel great so you can start learning your English lessons.Remember, when you listen to your English lesson you must keep mving your body. In this way, you will maintain high energy.

Learn English With Pleasure And Have Success

He was fortunate to gain a position with Bank Muscat, one of Oman's best banks. While there, he took intensive courses to fill in knowledge about accounting and finance that he needed. He made rapid career progress as he learned.With his thirst for learning about business management unquenched, he next headed for the United Kingdom where he undertook a full-time MBA program, intending to return to Bank Muscat after graduation to apply lots of new knowledge about human resources management. After graduating, he returned to Oman where instead he was pleased to attract a very desirable job offer to work in human resources for Oman International Bank. Within three years, he was leading the bank's recruitment program for bringing more Omani university graduates into management to replace expatriates.An unexpected family opportunity arose when his wife received a prestigious grant to undertake advanced study in hematology in Australia. Dr. Al Riyami saw this move as an opportunity to learn more, rather than as a career setback. He resigned from the bank and began studies at MGSM, one of the leading business schools in Australia.While working on his next degree, he began to realize that his career interests lay more in teaching about business than in working for businesses. He developed a desire to become a business professor at S.Q.U. In preparation for that new career, his studies at MGSM focused on research methods management, the field in which he earned an M.A. degree.With two years remaining for his wife's studies in Australia, Dr. Al Riyami decided to earn a doctorate in business. During the DBA program, he studied how educational organizations develop competitive advantages, , and many advanced topics in human resources management.Upon returning from Australia, he obtained a better post in a highly admired organization than the position he had left.This approach is much different from methods used in most traditional schools where you must sit still all the time.Therefore to boost your chances for success in English learning you must choose method which let you learn while moving. If you have chance, listen to the audio lessons while you go for a walk. You can do two things at one time. You exercise, you improve your body and you listen to English lessons and improve your mind at the same time. This is the recipe for success in learning English.Article Source:comAbout the Author:Learn more about the bestEnglish speaking course online.  Stop by my site where you can find out all about Effortless English Lessons  and how they can help you speak English well.Tags: English , languages , school , learning , courses , education , writing , speaking , internet , computer , technology , self improvement

Professionals Choose Best Itil Training Providers

You will discover ITIL today in a wide range of firms: from modest companies to large enterprises spanning over several continents. Firms using ITIL practices are likely to invest in ITIL education for their staff, with some investing particularly heavily.It's beneficial to recognise ITIL education prior to deciding to tackle it. Developed originally by the Office of Government Commerce ITIL constitutes a series of documents. These documents assist in applying effective IT service management, also called ITSM.ITIL is aimed at supplying competency requirements and organizational composition of an IT organization. ITIL does it simply by presenting an extensive group of supervision processes with which a business might command their IT procedures.The idea of IT managing accreditation came up in 1980. At that point the English administration wasn't pleased with the IT providers provided to them and thought they would modify that for better. The Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA), today named the Office of Government Commerce (OGC), had been tasked with designing a platform for effective as well as monetarily liable use of IT resources inside the English government and the commercial sector.In 3 years ago edition 3 if ITIL was publicized. The 3rd version gave more popularity to integration inside of an IT business.The ITIL variation 3 training features 5 stages.Scheme for Furnished Services. With this phase supervisors and IT professionals can demonstrate goals, determine benefit, examine markets, and establish service provider varieties. Topics include service management and financial demand of them on the market.Design of Services. In the 3rd version of ITIL, training at this level will focus on orienting IT personnel on service goals and developing a single service package.Service Conversion.If you know a celebrity, urge them to learn the facts about English illiteracy by reading Let's End Our Literacy Crisis, Revised Edition, check out the Respeller program (on the NuEnglish.org website) which will respell up to about 25 pages of traditional English spelling in a few seconds, and then send the author two or three sentences of endorsement. The endorsement of celebrities will encourage others to read and apply what they learn in the book. And, of course, your compassionate encouragement of others to learn how to end illiteracy (and the resulting poverty and other problems) will also be of great value.If enough people read and implement the proposals in Let's End Our Literacy Crisis, we will definitely and permanently END English illiteracy and greatly reduce poverty of English-speaking people around the world.Article Source:comAbout the Author:Bob C. Cleckler,CEO of Literacy Research Assoc., Inc.,Author of four published books on illitercy.Let's End Our Literacy Crisis was one of six finalist of one award competition and one of eight in another award competition (both in the Education category), each with well over 1000 entrants. Dr. Michael Shaughnessy of Eastern New Mexico Univ. emailed the author, "I agree with you 100%." See NuEnglsh.org, and NuEnglish.com.Tags: teaching reading fluency , causes of illiteracy , poverty


how technology changes affect organizations ?

He retains an interest in beginning academic career, teaching business at some point in the future.I asked Dr. Al Riyami about the educational philosophy for developing his career interests. Here are a few of the comments that he kindly shared:"No achievement can quench my thirst for self-improvement. My personal credo is to always 'go further' -- to find innovative ways to accomplish goals and to realize my full potential in every aspect of both my educational and professional careers."Both my wife and I believe that education is always an investment rather than a financial burden. Though expenses are involved in education, the reward is massive."I also asked him about how education has changed his life:"I feel more knowledgeable and more confident, both at work and off work. I am now able to discuss, argue, and debate in logical and fact-based ways, not just emotionally."Where will Dr. Al Riyami's thirst for learning take him next? It's hard to say, but I suspect that it's to the top either in business or academia after still more educational adventures. Who knows what valuable insights, decisions, and books lie fallow within him, still waiting to be developed? The same can be said of your potential to reach the top . . . for improvement.Article Source:comAbout the Author:Donald W. Mitchell is a professor at Rushmore University, an online graduate school, who often teaches people who want to improve management skills and knowledge so they can advance in their careers and enrich their lives. For more information about ways to engage in fruitful lifelong learning at Rushmore to increase your effectiveness and improve your career, visirushmore university , business , mba , dba , phd , career , promotion , job , learning , success  both past and present. Students, alumni, researchers and staff will be able to use social networking features, write blogs, form discussion groups, share files and upload videos. Our aspiration is to create a strong, world-wide, fully interactive community of staff, students and alumni  a University in the truest sense of the word.There will be a whole host of other helpful features, including tools for academic collaboration, for communication with people across the university, for scheduling work and meetings, for e-commerce and for providing a helpdesk chat' facility.It currently accredits nine university institutions in Wales to award its degrees; these are:-          Aberystwyth University-          Bangor University-          Glyndwr University (previously known as North East Wales Institute of Higher Education)-          Swansea University-          University of Wales, Lampeter-          University of Wales Institute, Cardiff-

if you let no obstacle deny nor any achievement quench your thirst

Alexandria, VA - StraighterLine  announced today that The Bridge School, a leading provider of online high school education based in Houston Texas, has partnered with StraighterLine to offer a dual enrollment option for their students.  Bridge School students who successfully complete StraighterLine courses will receive high school credit from the Bridge School and college credit from any of StraighterLine's partner colleges or any of the one thousand or more colleges that award credit for courses approved by the American Council on Education's Credit Recommendation Service.The Bridge School is the first high school to partner with StraighterLine to offer high school students the ability to take college courses while still in high school. This program will provide high school students with college credits and save them thousands of dollars on their college degrees.In addition to being reviewed by partner colleges, StraighterLine courses have been evaluated and recommended by the American Council on Education's (ACE) Credit Recommendation Service and have met or exceeded the Distance Education and Training Council's standards for online course quality.Currently StraighterLine offers nine entry-level college courses online, including College Algebra, Precalculus, English Comp I, English Comp II,  Accounting I, Accounting II, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Business Statistics and two developmental courses, with more to be offered soon.  StraighterLine partner colleges include the following institutions:* Charter Oak State College Fort Hays State University  Jefferson Community and Technical College  Kaplan University  Lake City Community College     University of Wales, Newport-          Swansea Metropolitan University (previously known as Swansea Institute of Higher Education)-          Trinity College, CarmarthenCoventry University : We are a forward-looking, modern university with a proud tradition as a provider of high quality education and a focus on applied research.Our students benefit from state-of-the-art equipment and facilities in all academic disciplines including health, design and engineering laboratories, performing arts studios and computing centres. We have been chosen to host three national Centres of Excellence in Teaching and Learning which has enabled us to invest substantial sums of money in health, design and mathematics.Programs they offer:-          for undergraduate:1.Accountant & Finance2.Advertising3.Art4.Engineering5.English 6.Economics7.Health8.Politics9.Tourism-          For postgraduate


For Self-improvement In Business

As you gain knowledge and skill, your curiosity grows and you develop self-esteem from your growing ability to handle something that always seemed beyond you.Such learning is experienced most often while young in accomplishing physical tasks such as riding a two-wheeled bicycle. Before learning to ride, all that swaying of the bike from left to right and back again just looks strange. After you get the feel of the sway, you know that moving that way to the correct rhythm gives you better balance, control, and power.When you learn mental tasks instead of physical tasks, you gain an advantage that I want to explore with you: You can hope to improve performance further and for longer periods of time. As a result, you can enjoy more satisfying progress that fills you with optimism about the future.Educators often refer to this step as going from unconscious incompetence (automatically doing the wrong thing) to conscious incompetence (being aware of where you need to be careful).Later, you master everything that needs to be done . . . but a lot of mental focus is required. That stage is often called conscious competence. You enjoy the results from this competence, but not the effort. Finally, you are able to do something effortlessly without paying much attention (like driving a vehicle over a route you know very well), a stage that's called unconscious competence. Although you are getting great results, joy from your performance may decline leaving you feeling a little bored. Michael Jordan's first retirement from basketball to start a professional baseball career instead was an example of this phenomenon. When you start to get bored, do yourself a big favor and begin to learn something new that builds on the skill at which you are unconsciously competent. Here's an example: An effective salesperson who normally deals with English-speaking people could learn a second language and develop a new sales approach for people who speak that language.Business provides many such opportunities to build on unconscious competence: salespeople can learn to sell more valuable offerings engineers can develop design skills that make offerings more attractive to customers marketing people can master new ways of drawing customers financial people can teach others how to understand the financial implications of their decisionsYou may be concerned that you don't learn as fast or as easily as you once did. That may be true, but you also have a lot of experience.  Potomac CollegeWestern Governors University "With StraighterLine's courses, Bridge School students can dramatically reduce the cost of college," says Burck Smith, StraighterLine's CEO. "Further, by starting college with existing credits, research shows that these students are more likely to complete their degree." "Providing an open enrollment opportunity to deliver dual credit courses is one important way for The Bridge School to address individual student goals, says Dr. Spyros Catechis, The Bridge School founder and CEO.  "Partnering with StraighterLine to offer these distance learning courses in a way that matches the high tech expectations of today's high school students, will help maximize our students' acquisition of knowledge."   About The Bridge SchoolThe mission of The Bridge School is to enable students to become self-motivated, independent learners who are in charge of their educational future.  The Bridge School accomplishes this by providing a flexible and individualized opportunity to achieve a high school diploma through the use of open enrollment, on-line instruction.


The Bridge School allows students to start a course at any time and move through a course at their own rate.

 The Bridge School offers more than 160 Middle School, and High School courses, including Dual Credit and AP, taught by highly qualified and certified teachers.  The Bridge School offers High School diplomas and transferable credit, since it is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement  using online solutions for students who want an alternative to the traditional classroom environment.  It is also approved by the Texas Education Agency as an accredited nonpublic school. The Bridge School is designed for students who are interested in taking single courses to augment their current educational experience, and for full time students seeking a high school diploma.  The Bridge School helps students who are facing challenges, stay on track with their preparation for a career and college. Additionally, the Bridge School helps highly motivated students move ahead more rapidly, to give them an advantage in today's competitive academic environment.                  About StraighterLineStraighterLine provides students with a new online option for getting started on a college degree - freshman-level college courses for only $99 a month, plus a one-time $39 per course started fee.  The program includes up to 10 hours of one-on-one instructional support.  StraighterLine is a great way to tackle the escalating cost of four-year college tuition and avoid a mountain of student debt with their distance learning courses. Article Source:comAbout the Author:Media Contact:StraighterLine Online College CoursesJosef Katzhttp://www.straighterline.comjkatz@straighterline.com202-507-7020 Tags: StraighterLine Online College Courses ,This is when it is time to start learning how to properly pronounce words without traces of a 'foreign' accent. This also takes time and practice, and this is the only way to succeed. Talk, talk and talk some more. Getting help from a coach can help you to enunciate your words better, but conversation is the best method overall.It is not as hard to learn English as our fears tell us it is. Practice, dedication and a willingness to learn proper pronunciation will greatly increase your chances of success. Remember to talk, listen and absorb English music and television, and you can be well on the way to sounding like a native speaker. Learning a new language takes a lot of time, but in time, it will pay off in big ways not even realized yet.Article Source:comAbout the Author:Learn how to speak English fluently fast and easy! Using an effective system can help you to improve spoken English now! Learning a language fluently will give you more opportunities and advantages!Tags: English , languages , school , learning , courses , education , writing , speaking , internet , computer , technology , self improvement , career


Let No Obstacle Deny Nor Any Achievement Quench Your Thirst

 To have the business success you want, how much should you try to improve and for how long? My observation has been that most people stop trying to accomplish more in most areas of their lives at quite a young age, comfortable with then expecting a steady loss in performance as they age. Let me explain why I think such mental inertia is a big mistake for many people in terms of a business career, an area where learning from experience and adding skills counts for a lot.When young people see someone two generations older, they usually imagine that mental sharpness can be accurately assessed by looking at physical appearance. The young people assume an aged, reduced mind closely parallels an aged, reduced body.Did you know that you can employ and enjoy a young viewpoint at any age and use that perspective to your advantage in business? I remember being surprised the first time an older person told me that he thought of himself as perpetually twenty years old and worked at keeping that outlook, even though his body had moved past that point many decades earlier.I was recently reminded of the older person's comment about mental age when I fantasized for a bit about going to a baseball camp to meet and play with some of my team's heroes. That sounded like great fun!I awoke to the reality that attending this camp wasn't such a good idea after I bent over and realized that I'm no longer flexible enough to reach more than a short distance for ground balls. It would be a disaster trying to play at such a camp. So much for that idea!What can I do instead that's new and fun? Well, I can learn something that's not as demanding of physical flexibility and experience great joy because the first steps in learning something new can be very wonderful.While learning a new subject you can go quickly from having no idea of what's happening to suddenly noticing new patterns as well as appreciating things you've recognized before, For students that move at the same pace as a traditional semester schedule courses ultimately cost less than $43 per credit hour.  Many students move through the material even faster though which allows for greater savings. Students who successfully complete StraighterLine online college courses receive credit when they enroll with any school in our rapidly expanding network of regionally accredited partner colleges.  In addition, the American Council on Education's College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT - www.acenet.edu/acecredit/) has also evaluated and recommended college credit for StraighterLine courses.  ACE CREDIT helps students gain access to academic credit at colleges and universities for formal courses and examinations taken in settings outside traditional higher education.  For information, visit www.straighterline[dot]com or call 202-507-7020 or 1-877-str8erline (1-877-787-8375).