
how technology changes affect organizations ?

He retains an interest in beginning academic career, teaching business at some point in the future.I asked Dr. Al Riyami about the educational philosophy for developing his career interests. Here are a few of the comments that he kindly shared:"No achievement can quench my thirst for self-improvement. My personal credo is to always 'go further' -- to find innovative ways to accomplish goals and to realize my full potential in every aspect of both my educational and professional careers."Both my wife and I believe that education is always an investment rather than a financial burden. Though expenses are involved in education, the reward is massive."I also asked him about how education has changed his life:"I feel more knowledgeable and more confident, both at work and off work. I am now able to discuss, argue, and debate in logical and fact-based ways, not just emotionally."Where will Dr. Al Riyami's thirst for learning take him next? It's hard to say, but I suspect that it's to the top either in business or academia after still more educational adventures. Who knows what valuable insights, decisions, and books lie fallow within him, still waiting to be developed? The same can be said of your potential to reach the top . . . for improvement.Article Source:comAbout the Author:Donald W. Mitchell is a professor at Rushmore University, an online graduate school, who often teaches people who want to improve management skills and knowledge so they can advance in their careers and enrich their lives. For more information about ways to engage in fruitful lifelong learning at Rushmore to increase your effectiveness and improve your career, visirushmore university , business , mba , dba , phd , career , promotion , job , learning , success  both past and present. Students, alumni, researchers and staff will be able to use social networking features, write blogs, form discussion groups, share files and upload videos. Our aspiration is to create a strong, world-wide, fully interactive community of staff, students and alumni  a University in the truest sense of the word.There will be a whole host of other helpful features, including tools for academic collaboration, for communication with people across the university, for scheduling work and meetings, for e-commerce and for providing a helpdesk chat' facility.It currently accredits nine university institutions in Wales to award its degrees; these are:-          Aberystwyth University-          Bangor University-          Glyndwr University (previously known as North East Wales Institute of Higher Education)-          Swansea University-          University of Wales, Lampeter-          University of Wales Institute, Cardiff-

