
Do You Really Want To Help End Poverty In The U.s. And English-speaking Nations?

We often see articles in newspapers or magazines about the shocking extent of poverty in America or some other English-speaking nation. But how often do the articles examine the cause of the poverty? I cannot remember ever seeing such an article. Many persons of influence -- celebrities, educators, and politicians -- bemoan the extent of poverty. Many of them want to help. Some of them actually do help, but the help is almost always something involving providing money or physical items to temporarily relieve the symptoms -- the pain and suffering brought on by poverty. It is almost never something which will enable those in poverty to permanently escape their poverty. It is like the saying, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."Using this analogy, in order to teach a man to fish (i.e. escape poverty through his own actions), you have to understand what is causing him to be in poverty. Otherwise, any help you provide will merely fight the symptoms of the problem rather than solving the problem. It is like giving someone aspirin to relieve the pain of pneumonia rather than antibiotics to end the pneumonia.If you learn English or any other language you can boost your progress by learning in specific way. According to the research most English students struggle and fail because of psychology, not because of methods, not because of teachers.According to Tony Robbins, psychology is 80% of success. So the method you use to study, the school you go to, the teacher and books are only 20% of success in English learning. Those things are important but how you manage your time, your motivation and emotions are much more important. Therefore, psychology decides whether you succeed or not.We can observe in language classes that the enthusiastic students, the energetic students, the optimistic students always learn much faster. They succeed. The ones who fail, the ones who dropp out and quit, the ones who struggle have the opposite mentality. They have a very negative mentality. Their motivation is low. They tend to be pessimistic. They feel that they weren't good at English. They had ideas that English is very tough, very difficult. They don't have enthusiasm for English. They don't love English.That's why is so important to manage your emotions. In order to be successful you must develop a strong and enthusiastic attitude towards English. You must be strong and determined so you can reach your goals and succeed. This psychologic side of learning process is called Non-Linguistic factors by English teachers and researchers. One of the best experts in language learning Dr. Stephen Krashen from Los Angeles during his studies found that non-linguistic factors are equally or even more important than linguistic factors. According to the research factors like emotions, feeling about English and learner's peer group decide whether the student succeed or fail.

