
Let No Obstacle Deny Nor Any Achievement Quench Your Thirst

 To have the business success you want, how much should you try to improve and for how long? My observation has been that most people stop trying to accomplish more in most areas of their lives at quite a young age, comfortable with then expecting a steady loss in performance as they age. Let me explain why I think such mental inertia is a big mistake for many people in terms of a business career, an area where learning from experience and adding skills counts for a lot.When young people see someone two generations older, they usually imagine that mental sharpness can be accurately assessed by looking at physical appearance. The young people assume an aged, reduced mind closely parallels an aged, reduced body.Did you know that you can employ and enjoy a young viewpoint at any age and use that perspective to your advantage in business? I remember being surprised the first time an older person told me that he thought of himself as perpetually twenty years old and worked at keeping that outlook, even though his body had moved past that point many decades earlier.I was recently reminded of the older person's comment about mental age when I fantasized for a bit about going to a baseball camp to meet and play with some of my team's heroes. That sounded like great fun!I awoke to the reality that attending this camp wasn't such a good idea after I bent over and realized that I'm no longer flexible enough to reach more than a short distance for ground balls. It would be a disaster trying to play at such a camp. So much for that idea!What can I do instead that's new and fun? Well, I can learn something that's not as demanding of physical flexibility and experience great joy because the first steps in learning something new can be very wonderful.While learning a new subject you can go quickly from having no idea of what's happening to suddenly noticing new patterns as well as appreciating things you've recognized before, For students that move at the same pace as a traditional semester schedule courses ultimately cost less than $43 per credit hour.  Many students move through the material even faster though which allows for greater savings. Students who successfully complete StraighterLine online college courses receive credit when they enroll with any school in our rapidly expanding network of regionally accredited partner colleges.  In addition, the American Council on Education's College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT - www.acenet.edu/acecredit/) has also evaluated and recommended college credit for StraighterLine courses.  ACE CREDIT helps students gain access to academic credit at colleges and universities for formal courses and examinations taken in settings outside traditional higher education.  For information, visit www.straighterline[dot]com or call 202-507-7020 or 1-877-str8erline (1-877-787-8375).

