
Discount Rosetta Stone Interactive Media

Interacting with your customers in today's business world has become a must. Rosetta Stone
Does this sound like too much of a strong statement? Well, maybe "must" somehow overplays what is today's reality, but it is indeed true, since all you hear marketers and advertisers talk about lately concerns interactive medias, how these are changing their panorama and how much are they gaining momentum.In fact, a recent research conducted by WPP's GroupM shows that interactive media's share of worldwide advertising expenditures is likely to reach 15% in 2009, which would be double from four years ago. And apparently, this will remain the main source of growth, as advertising spending in traditional media seems to be on the decline.So what is this all about?At Labbrand, we have looked at how interactive medias are changing not only the world of advertising, but also branding practices in general.Our starting point for this article comes from the core of our own brand vision: the key to every successful brand is continuous innovation. Being on the forefront and differentiating yourself meaningfully once you're there are the most important means brands have to satisfy market needs and ultimately gain customer loyalty.Naturally, every well-conceived communication strategy needs to be well-balanced to achieve the brand's different communication goals. As for increasing mass brand awareness, traditional media has been and still remains Rosetta Stone German
the better performing tool that a brand can use, especially in the short run.However, when analyzing brand communication from a wider angle, it becomes clear that traditional tools are becoming obsolete. TV and radio commercials, web banners, sponsored links, magazine and newspapers ads, billboards...for decades people have been bombed with a multitude of promotional messages dictating what to buy, and how to do it. Well, now that there are the means to answer, people can and want to have their say on this!Furthermore, and maybe even more importantly, as the market changes at an ever-increasing speed, it has become more and more difficult for marketers to spot and understand new trends in order to develop products & services relevant to their customers.In this context, interactive medias give marketers a practical tool to:1) Conduct interactive advertising campaigns: either by involving consumers in the creation of the ad or by creatively engaging them in the message through interactive medias.2) Have consumers experience your brand outside purchase-like environments. Interactive medias give people the tools to try, play, and live your brand, which eventually can forge a closer bond between this and its potential or existing users.3) Conduct research among groups of consumers that are gathered online, in communities, networking sites, groups Rosetta Stone Indian
and industry blogs, or that are linked together through interactive media devices.4) Empower consumers with the means to co-create and co-develop new products and services.

