
Making A Good Resume Better

In today's tough job market, creating the perfect resume for the type of job you are looking for is more important than ever. Especially if you haven't been job seeking for awhile, it's time to upload your resume on the computer, take a good, hard, critical look at it and make some needed changes. Here Rosetta Stone
are some ideas that will help you improve your document.-- There is a big difference between a "curriculum vitae" (CV) and a resume. A resume should only include experience relevant to the job you are seeking. A CV will outline every single position you've held during your working life, every award received: everything. CV's are particularly useful for academics who want to spotlight anything they have either published over a long period of time; they are also appropriate for artists who want to list shows where they have held exhibitions. A resume should not include everything, only things that are relevant.-- Keep your resume to one page. Period. Employers everywhere are looking for reasons to get rid of Rosetta Stone Spanish
resumes when they have a huge stack in front of them. Knowing that an average hirer only glances at a resume for an average of 20 seconds, you want to keep it short and sweet.-- Even if you have a long career behind you, you should be able to keep your history and qualifications to one page. Only include what is absolutely necessary on the resume, and let your wonderful cover letter do all the talking.-- Be specific. If you are applying for a sales job, for instance, give actual numbers that are proof of your prior success. Instead of saying in general terms: "Successfully managed sales," you could state: "Averaged $45,000 worth of sales per quarter." This kind of rhetoric is much more effective.-- Watch your grammar. Since we already know that employers are looking for reasons to get rid of resumes, don't give them an easy out. Many hirers will chuck a resume when they run across the very first misspelling or typo. Spell check will not find everything: have another set of eyes look over your document for you and make sure it's ok.-- Consider new and innovative ways that the internet can help you market yourself. Visual Rosetta Stone Spanish (Spain) Levev 1-5
software programs available online can help you create a resume or curriculum vitae that is alive with photographs, hyper links, and videos. If you are seeking a job as a news anchor, for example, such a method allows you to let private parties (such as a potential employer) view your on-air work easily.Give yourself every possible advantage by giving your resume a new, more streamlined look.

